Sunday, 7 July 2013

New captions

Sorry the captions aren't exactly coming thick and fast at the moment but had a lack of inspiration recently. To be honest, I'm not completely satisfied with these two but I hope you like.


  1. Good day, Starshine! Thank you for hooking up at my spot, and it may be somewhat forward, but one does wonder what might be "coming thick & fast' for you if it isn't your captions? ;) (I'm having a bit of a lull at the moment also.)

    Anyhow, I can just imagine how Jasmine has loosed the tempest from the teapot now that 'Louise' is on the scene and looking like a rather formidable top in all his shiny slickness!

    Also, no. 46 does not appear to have loaded properly, and will not scale for reading.

    Nice meeting you, Jenni, and I would gladly add on to your place if you chose to apply the 'Followers' gadget.

    Elle-Jae / w8z2x4m

    1. Hi Elle-Jae

      Thanks for the comments. I've edited caption 46 and it should now be resizable. Thanks for letting me know. I've also added some new ones that I created recently and hadn't uploaded.

      I don't think I've got the followers gadget anyway but I won't add it.

